Gig Buddies Bristol enables people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people to enjoy all the great gigs going on in Bristol by pairing them up with new friends to attend events with. Volunteers can experience events they will love and make a huge difference to people’s lives at the same time.

Each participant is matched to one volunteer. You then aim to meet your buddy once a month to attend a gig. Although we encourage buddies to attend music events primarily, we know there won’t always be a gig every month that you would both like to attend. In this instance we have buddies who attend theatre, comedy, sports matches or simply meet up to go on a walk.

We currently only match buddies who live in Bristol and the surrounding areas, however, there are also projects in Gloucestershire and Wales if you live closer to these areas. You can further information at the links below:

You can also find a full list of other Gig Buddies projects across the UK here:

Adam ‘Dev’ Devonshire is the bass player from the band IDLES and is the first patron of Gig Buddies Bristol!

Gig Buddies first came to Dev’s attention through his partner’s auntie, who uses the Gig Buddies service in Wales to attend events. He was instrumental in organising a Gig Buddies Fundraiser which helped raise enough money to launch Gig Buddies in Bristol.

Dev has loads of experience of working on every side of events; as well as touring extensively with IDLES, he was also the manager at Exchange for several years, so he has a strong understanding of accessibility at shows and the difficulties and challenges that some people can face.

Dev’s support for us has been truly amazing and it’s difficult to imagine where this project would be without him, so we are incredibly proud to have him as our first patron!